WWW Bugtraq Archive

Jennifer Myers (jmyers@marigold.eecs.nwu.edu)
Fri, 26 Aug 1994 19:23:10 -0500 (CDT)

There were a few messages a few weeks ago asking about the
availability of a Bugtraq archive, with no response.

Volumes #1-#3 of the digest (16 Nov 1993 through 15 Mar 1994)
are available from http://crimelab.com/bugtraq/bugtraq_digest.htm
or by anon FTP to crimelab.com.

I'm not aware of any other archives, except for a select set of
articles archived at spy.org.

I've taken those articles, plus a complete set of articles dating back
to June 6 1994 and amassed them into an automatically-updating
pseudo-threaded archive available by HTTP.

That archive is here, sorted in thread order:


It is also available in subject, date and author sorted order.

Hypermail <http://www.eit.com/software/hypermail/hypermail.htm> is
the package used to convert the mail to densely cross-referenced HTML.
By calling hypermail from procmail, the archive is updated
automatically as each message arrives.  

Please send me a note if you have Bugtraq articles from the missing

